Hi, I'm Shintia Aranzadwi

Frontend Developer

Welcome to my portfolio home page! I'm a frontend developer. I strive to provide modern, responsive designs. My dedication to user experience ensures that each of my projects is designed to captivate users. Explore my work and discover how I combine creativity with technology to create interesting and innovative solutions.

About Me


Student of Frontend Developer

Hi, My name is Shintia Aranzadwi Melati, a graduate of SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo majoring in software engineering and wants to become a Frontend Developer. I have the ability to implement interesting designs and I enjoy being involved in challenging projects, which allows me to continue learning and growing in this field.

My Journey


2021 - 2024

Frontend Developer - Vocational High School

I studied at SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo majoring in Software Engineering, because I wanted to get to know the world of programming languages, because this knowledge is needed for a successful career in the field of software development.

2021 - 2024

Software Engineering - Vocational High School

I study in SMK Krian 1 Sidoarjo, majoring in Software Engineering, which is an educational institution that equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary for a successful career in the field of software development.


2022 - 2023

Internship at Balongbendo District Office

During my internship at the Balongbendo District office for 6 months, namely from July to the end of the year, I was placed in the public service office which was tasked with receiving incoming and outgoing letters from the government.


Frontend Developer - Bootcamp Indosat Ooredoo

I completed the Front-End Developer Bootcamp Indosat Ooredoo in Dicoding, which included in-depth learning about UI/UX design for websites. Master design principles that consider readability, functionality, and visual beauty.

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